Hi everyone. So, this is my first post writing on blog. I had no idea what to write about. So, I decided at last to write about my not-so-interesting travelouges, and share experiences. From my opinion, money is worth spending for traveling and fooooodddd than shopping. Experience is priceless, so I would rather be paid to to go for a vacay to Norway for a week than being gifted a whole set of Dior products or handbags.

The Underground London Tube
#1 London, United Kingdom

London is the capital of England/United Kingdom. It has a lotsss of attractions over there. I was over the mountains everytime i remember back those dayss. One of the things that I remeber is me and my family went around London City with the Red Bus like for the whole day. What is soo good in London is that there are public transports that is easyyy to be found. Thay have London Underground Tube, which only uses tube card. We also went to STONEHENGE!!!!! People calls it the standing stones. They weere put there by Neolithic people in the British Isles and Brittan, and they also occur elsewhere in the world. Next, not to forget, the London Eye, London Bridge and loads moree...

We rented a homestay because of cheaper rate and we were staying there for 2 weeks, so a homesaty is recommended. It was a house with three bedrooms,enough for us. One for my parents, one for me and my sister and another would be for kak Niar. What amazing is it has a big lawn to do a lots of activities. We did BBQ, swimming(webrought our own blown pool.) These are a more or less tips when traveling. What worries a lot when traveling abroad is THE FOOD. We as a muslim,really take care of what we eat. But, I assure you that London is SO EASY to find Muslim Food Hubs. Okay, I think I'll continue more about this on the next post.

Thank youu , ttfn


  1. This information is very helpful. thank you :)))

  2. Hello! I really love your post, makes me want to go London myself!

  3. i really wanna go to london . pliss take me there .

  4. MashaAllah sister.. vacation in UK is one of my dreams.. Great blog.

  5. AllahuAkbar... very fun to travel to foreign country. Very interesting story. Hope u can bring me to travel too


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