Thoughts in Life

Hello again. So, this would be my second post. I was'nt thinking to continue tgis nlog but i thought it would be a nice thing when im bored. Back then, when i was small i loveddd writing. I wrote a storybook. Well, obviously it would be kids drawing and their imaginations. I can't remember what I wrote about, but yeah. Anyway, in this post I was going to write a little about my life in matriculations. I have just finished one sem, and wow look how fast time flies. I have one sem ahead and 2018 is just round the corner. I have amazing roomates, classmates and what. Life is tough no matter where you are actuallyy. People will write this and that comparing how would life in diploma, foundation, matrics, and others would be, but actually for me, as long as we struggle and put Allah first in anything. Leave everything to The Almighty. InsyaAllah, wherever we are Allah has set the best for us. 💐


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