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A life in KMPK

One year i was in KMPK was full of great memories, which I couldn't replace it with anything. Starting with great roomates, great view, great friends,great classmates, lecturers, to sum up everything. My first impression towards matriculation programme was this will be hard, this will be tha same as SPM. & yes it was true but it wasn't bad. I had a productive one year, so, im so happy 😇😇😇 & blessed. Sure, i cannot lie there must be up & downs throughout my life & that was what made my life even meaningful. So, ini untuk adik-adik di luar sana yang mungkin masih ragu-ragu nak masuk Universiti diploma ke, asasi ke, matriks ke, sebenarnya semua sama, cuma yelah diploma lama sikit. Matriks ada 2 jenis program (PDT/PST) , satu one year program lagi satu dua. Dik, dia sebenarnya bergantung pada niat masing-masing. Walau kat mana pun kita berada, buat yang terbaik dengan bersungguh2. It sounds cliche, but some people just cant realize, Surround yourself with positiv

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